Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And another view of the outside fans!
They may seem small but they create enough wind to keep you cool!
These are the two we have outside; there are two in the seating area nearest the door, two in the seating are and bar area at the end of the restaurant and one in the booth area.
Fans have been installed throughout the restaurant, inside and out and this is the design we have chosen. As the furniture and skirting board etcetera is wood we figured that wooden-style fans would fit in quite nicely!
To the entrance that was the kitchen and is now the desserts area/glass wash-up/bar stock area, we have had the rather large gap filled in with this frame and some beautiful slatted swing doors are due to be fitted sometime soon (hopefully!). The skirting board has also been finished around the base of this frame and has also gone around the frame to hide the joins. We are thinking that it does look a little odd but are hoping that as soon as the mahogany swing doors are in it will blend well together!
Some high-back bar stools are currently being made for the bar, however as we live in the land of tomorrow meaning next week, I have no idea when they will be ready!

And we must give our thanks to Mr Jerry for his ingenious idea of this outside bar, it really does finish off the outside!
.…how lovely is this?!
It is our outside bar – where the black rail bars were removed this bar has now been installed in its place.
And we also have a cabinet and sink in the room behind where the bar will be.

Speaking of bars……
We have kitchen cabinets going in. This is in the wash-up area of the kitchen and a sink will be put in the hole this week. The remainder of the countertop has been dedicated to drying etcetera.
And this is the view from the back of the stairs. It gives you an idea of just how well the place is secure now! Our kitchen equipment is on its way in a cargo from Miami this very minute and is due to be with us Tuesday, so we really needed to get the place secure in time for then.
We have now had our security gates put in. They are a sight at first and do take some getting used to, but they do the trick. We do not want anyone to be able to climb over the wall and enter the restaurant that way. This is what you see as you approach the restaurant.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The bedroom. Well, the will-be kitchen! The bath, sink etcetera has actually been removed, I just forgot to take the camera today to give you all up-to-date photos. But I will get some soon enough as tomorrow we are going into Belize City to pick up our crockery, a till and to give our 'Corkers' logo to a seamstress who will then have it embroidered onto some polo shirts for staff to wear. And us of course!
This is now the bathroom! It is the soon-to-be wash-up area for the kitchen. We have people in there as we speak smoothing the walls down ready for a sink to go there and for the walls to be tiled around it. The shower that you can see on the left will be a wash pipe coming down into the sink with what would look like a shower head on it so the dishes can be rinsed down. to the far left where the toilet was, a waste disposal unit will be going in and then a large draining board.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

...and this is the bathroom.
Or should I say was the bathroom!
Ok, moving on from green floors, does everyone remember the first bedroom? This is the one nearest the restaurant that we were deciding what to do with. Well this
is the view of it from the doorway looking in....
And the view of the bottom of the stairs. Please excuse the drips of green on the inside of the steps - they will be painted white when it stops raining! That's the rainy season for you!
Going down the top set of stairs
Walkway down to the stairs all painted and pretty
The entrance/exit hallway
Alltogether everybody..."ahhh...."
So now we have a little lip of olive around the edge of the floor going up the wall just to finish it off.