Saturday, July 24, 2010 you can see!
In this picture we have removed the railings. We have plans to put a nice piece of mahogany on the wall to make a long table and put stools on the balcony to the right to make a nice seating area rather than having lots of individual tables. This is much more cost effective and also a little different! Plus it makes the outside look a lot more spacious and open....
As you come up the stairs leading to the restaurant and you keep walking along the side this is what you see. Now the building you can see there is actually two hotel rooms which were included within our lease. Initially we were not going to do anything with them as of yet however as the kitchen is too small for Geoff then we are going to turn the first bedroom into a kitchen and know the wall through that faces the entrance to the restaurant to make it an open plan kitchen. So watch this space for pictures of that!

Friday, July 23, 2010

And now for the floor. Guess what colour? Yep - green!
Curtain poles. Finishing touches. We are not actually having curtains but when we do what we plan on doing with them then I wil post pictures
and you will see!
And the cubicle doors in the ladies and the gents we had replaced so they are plain wood. The ones you can see here are from the ladies.
Just finishes it off nicely.
Looks a bit like a shower, doesn't it??
We decided that as well as tiling around the sinks in the toilets we would tile around the urinal to make it a) look nicer and b) to give it a 'splash guard'.
Around the stud wall and the storage door and that is where they came to a halt temporarily. We intend for the guys to go all around the toilets as soon as the plumber has fixed one of the toilets as it was leaking when we rented the place. Luckily the landlady is nice and agreed to fix it!
And some more inside the booth area on the left
More face board.
We now have face board (AKA skirting board) around the bottom to stop mop-marks dirtying the bottom of the wall. It just finishes off the walls too we think and looks a lot tidier!
And this is the outside. Not sure if you can even tell but the outside has half been painted. The cream stops at the top of our stairs by the first window nearest the right. We need a ladder to complete the rest! We plan on the bottom right wall alongside the outside seating to be white to fit in with the rest of the building.
The outside painted cream and black. This has only had one coat of cream so far so will look more prominent when the second is on.
And the balcony looking in the other direction.

The balcony looking towards the kitchen
The view from the entrance.
The painting of the walls is complete!
This is the other storage room opposite the would-be kitchen that is also yellow as Geoff was going to use it for keeping food in. We have yet to decide what to do for this room but no doubt it
will be some form of storage facility!
Stood at the sink end of the previous picture, the door opens onto the balcony. As I said, it is rather skinny but we think we can get some bar stools and tall skinny tables up there for people who just want a few beers.
When looking at the previous picture, this room is the one to the right. Again, this was going to be the kitchen. As you can see, it is tiny! So this will now be the bar storage area for alcohol, soft drinks etc and the sink at the end will be replaced for a better one for the glass wash-up.
Our original plans have changed. The two storage rooms either side of the tiled area where I was stood taking photos earlier were going to be the kitchen, but practically it was not suitable as they are so small it would not be possible for Geoff to cook loads of meals in there in a night, let alone get another body in there to help! But as you can see we have removed the tiled thing and painted it yellow – this is because it was going to be the kitchen and Geoff wanted a colourful place to work in.
The ladies loos painted. The mens are the same so I will not bother posting pictures of that but trust me, it looks better than it did!
For the toilets we decided on a grey colour. It may not seem nice but in person it is not actually that bad. It is neutral and unisex and we like it so there!

We then erected a stud wall to block off the toilets and the storage room. It looks tidier plus we can put a table against the wall and those

customers do not have to look at people walking to the loo!
For the outside we went for ye ole faithful cream. Against the black it does look quite smart! Well, we think so anyway!
And also the booth area inside is the lighter olive colour.
And a darker olive for the support separating wall inside
We decided on light olive for the main walls on the inside of the building
We decided on black for the railings. It’s simple, will look good with the colours we chose and plus the fact that the underneath is all white with black railings we wanted to keep in with the theme.
So we cleaned up everything and painted it all white. It was starting to look nice. Then we had to decide on a colour scheme. After time spent in Builders Hardware looking at colour charts we agreed on colours.
Then we moved into the dining area to paint that all white and ended up outside.

Then the mens, leaving the area above the sink as we plan on tiling that.
So after much cleaning we got down to decorating. We started by painting everything white, starting with the ladies….
And this is the view from the other side. Not as nice as the other side but still, it’s good if you like to people watch!
This is the view from one side of the restaurant (the side with the entrance stairs).
And the urinal is…well…..would you pee in that??
The cubicle of the gents is equally as pokey as the ladies as you can see on the left.
The gents….just as *achem* aesthetically pleasing to the eye as the ladies as you can see! Again, very pokey and will be painted just as soon as the place is clean!
Just to the right of the sinks in the ladies are the toilets. Again, not nice and extremely small but our current budget will not allow us to demolish the cubicles and re-do them. Plus we would have to get permission from the landlady to start knocking down parts of her building and I am not sure she would agree to that just yet!
The inside of the ladies toilets. Not very appealing, even for what you do in a toilet! We plan on redecorating this before we open.
This is what you would have seen had the pillar not been in the way in the second to last picture. The door on the left is another store room, or whatever we choose to do with it, and the door on the right is ladies toilets. The gents is opposite the female door behind the wall on the right.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moving left even more – but still in the same spot – shows another partitioned area to the right of the picture where we envisage about 3 booths to be. The wooden door on the left is the entrance screen door which we plan to remove as is it not particularly pleasing to the eye!
Staying in the same position I have taken a picture slightly to the left, showing the other half on the main inside dining area. Unfortunately the partition wall is smack bang in the middle of the picture but behind that in the far corner is the doorway to the toilets.
I am now stood in the second inside dining area taking a picture of the main inside dining area. You can see where I was stood in the previous picture in the entrance to the two store rooms on the right hand side of the picture. There is another store room opposite that one.

So we have walked into the restaurant and gone to the back wall and turned around. As you can see the entrance doors are at the back of the picture and Geoff is stood in the first section which is the second inside dining area. I am stood in the first inside dining area in the entrance to the storage rooms (one of which you can see to the left – the gaping hole in the wall).

Stood on the same spot I have just moved slightly to the left and you can now see the second (or overflow) outside dining area. The gap on the wall is a gate which leads to the a rather skinny balcony.

From where I was stood in the previous picture, I have turned to face the restaurant and have this view. The entrance as you walk up the stairs is on the far left and the enclosed area is the main outside dining area. The grotty green jailhouse doors are the main doors leading inside the restaurant.

This is the view from the restaurant of the entrance path I was stood on. The building you can see at the back is a hotel of 7 rooms in a row which our Landlady owns and is trying to sell. This is an added bonus for our business, not to mention a good selling point for whoever purchases them!