Thursday, October 13, 2011

A few more nic nacks...

Corkers is headed in the Pub direction. We are trying to make it as homely and comfortable as possible without it looking like a house! So cue the sofa! It's somewhere where a couple can relax after their meal with a glass of wine.. Or during the day, it's somewhere where the lone traveler can sit with a pint and read the local paper or the latest People mag (of which there are in a newspaper stand on the floor!)
And we also have a TV. We now show sporting events as there is no such thing as a Sports Bar here. It's only been a few weeks of having it but it's been a success so far!

10 months on...

An update - at last! It's been a hectic 10 months but we have come a long way and done a lot since! We have extended the inside bar and put up a few more nic nacks!

Monday, January 10, 2011

And are now clock-watching ready for opening on Saturday 15th January 2011 at 5.30pm!

It's all official and we are all legal

And not stocked with just alcohol!

Our stocked bar!

We have had swing doors put in to the entrance of the desserts area and another wine display rack put up above the wine fridge and moved the other one from behind the bar due to the lack of room

Cooker and fryers.....

Shelves have been put up for utensils, pots and pans and organised Geoff-style!

So Geoff's kitchen, once all the equipment was put right, looked like this!

As we are so close to opening we have had the floor re-painted as it was getting scratched up form workers dragging equipment and furnishings in and out of the restaurant

And the stud wall and surrounding area around the equipment has been tiled white

Well gas has gone into the kitchen and we have had a stud wall put up to cover the door that was there from when this was a hotel room

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some decor has been put up in the place by Geoff, however they may not stay in that exact spot but it is giving us an idea of how and where to put things.

We have had designed a wine bottle holder which has been displayed behind the bar like so. Don’t worry – these bottles are just for display; they will hold full ones!